Saturday, December 6, 2014

MaxLifeOutFit - Relaunch

It is with great excitement that I can announce that this week I gained the title of Certified Foundation Training Instructor.  In addition I have restarted training and launched a new Foundation Training website:

Please click on the link above if you are interested in finding out more.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Training to start for the Winter

I am happy to announce that I am making a good recovery from my accident 12 weeks ago and I am currently working on a winter training schedule so stay tuned for more information to come.

If you are interested in private classes please shoot me an email and I will respond promptly.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Training Cancelled Due To Injury

Sorry for the late posting.  I am currently recovering from a serious mountain biking accident.   As soon as I am able to I will be send out class details.  If you would like to know more feel free to follow my recovery on my personal blog

Best Wishes to you


Sunday, February 16, 2014

February Training Classes Just a Week Away

Wow, I can't believe how fast the January training classes went by.  We ran 3 classes, 2 on Saturday Mornings and 1 on Thursday evening and I could not of asked for a better group of students - they were awesome.

In January I had 2 return students who decided to take the class again.  I have to be honest I was a little nervous that I would be able to provide the right level of engagement and development whilst also working with complete beginners.  I should not have worried as the feedback I received was better than I could have expected.  Here is a direct quote:
"Doing the class a second time enabled me to focus on my form over learning how to move my body.  The first time was good, but I have enjoyed the second time so much more." 

Here we are in February and the scheduled start of the new classes is just around the corner.  Turns out that whilst the classes were a great success my marketing is a little lacking lol.  I will need to focus a little more on promoting classes for the start of the April classes.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

2014 Foundation Training - First Class of The Year

It was an exciting day today as I kicked off the first round of training classes of the year.  I had the pleasure of meeting new students and welcoming some others.

As I discussed in class today I love Foundation Training as it is a movement method that allows the practitioner to feel "in the moment" what is happening and understand how the movement is effecting posture and strength.

When you combine the ability to feel the effect and become aware of posture and movement in that moment a powerful daily tool becomes available providing the user with an in the moment conscious choice regardless of location (Sitting and a desk, Standing in line in the supermarket or washing the dirty dishes).  That awareness facilitates the choice to move right in that moment and soon 1 minute here and 5 minutes there can become more powerful in helping to improve posture, strength and movement as well as relieve pain and assist rehabilitation than an hour workout session or PT exercises that are left in a pocket or under a stack of papers that you really mean to get to.

Week 1, First ever Founders - Awesome

 Back Extension, is a wonderful exercise for both strength and recovery.  I have used it numerous times for my own recovery when my back has flared up.

The Founder is the Base exercise for Foundation Training.  The power of this position can only be felt and when learnt with the help of a certified instructor the student can feel how the back is engaged.